Do I have to refrigerate my juice?

Yes! All of our juices and mylks must be stored below 40* F at all times because they are raw!

How often should I do a cleanse?

Everyone is different and it totally depends on your goals, healing journey, or lifestyle! We have many customers who do a monthly cleanse while others pop in for a cleanse a few times per year! 

Do I need to do a 3-day cleanse to get all of the health benefits?

Nope! 3 day cleanses are definitely our most popular and our personal favorite but your body will feel the benefits of a juice cleanse, no matter how many days you do!

What makes your juice different?

Our juice is pressed on a true cold pressed juicer! Many home juicers and other juice bars use centrifugal or masticating juicers. Cold pressed juice is the gold standard in the juicing industry and produces the most smooth, nutrient dense juice possible! Our juice is RAW! We do not pasteurize, which means our juice is alive and full of enzymes and vital nutrients that would otherwise be damaged in the pasteurization process!

What does cold pressed mean?

Cold pressing juice is a two part process. The first part is chopping the produce up into a mash and then placing it into a bag (a reusable mesh or compostable bag)! The second part is squeezing the juice out of the produce mash using a hydraulic press!